Kelly's Story – From Admin to Clinical Lead – And Everything in Between!


Kelly’s journey with Amity Health is a great example of how women in the workplace can be supported through every stage of life—balancing career aspirations, family, and personal growth. Her story is one of dedication and change, in a workplace culture, that enabled her to go down several different paths both personally and professionally.

 A Gap Year That Set the Path

Back in 2006, fresh out of high school, Kelly took on a gap-year job as the sole receptionist for the Great Southern GP Network (GSGPN), now known as Amity Health. She didn’t know it at the time, but this role would spark a love for nutrition.

“I was unsure what I wanted to do after school, but working alongside the Dietitians and allied health team was inspiring. I loved seeing the difference they made in people’s lives—it made me realise I wanted to do something similar.”

She made great friends with the team, which motivated her to study for a Bachelor of Science degree at Curtin University. Leaving at the end of 2007 to start her studies, she carried with her a strong connection to the work being done in regional health.

Becoming a Dietitian

Fast forward to 2012, and Kelly had graduated as a Dietitian with high distinction. She spent a year working in the Perth metro area, but the pull of country life was too strong. In 2013, she reconnected with Amity Health and took on a role as a Dietitian, travelling to Katanning, Gnowangerup, Kojonup, Mt Barker, Denmark, and Bremer Bay. By 2014, she was back working from the same office where she started seven years earlier!

Becoming a Mum and Taking a Step Back

Roll on March 2016, and Kelly’s colleagues threw her a baby shower! After her son was born, she took some time at home. Like many new parents, the early days were a blur.

“I remember thinking I’d never have time to work again! But when I was ready, I returned to Amity Health and was shocked at how much the organisation had grown. Coming back felt easy and natural.”

Soon, she returned to her Dietitian role. A couple of years later, her daughter arrived, and again, Kelly stepped away to focus on her young family. Kelly said goodbye to her Amity Health friends again! 

Exploring New Paths

During her time away, Kelly broadened her expertise, earning her Sports Dietitian qualification, starting a small business (Elevate Sports Dietetics), and even self-publishing a nutrition guide for dirt bike riders. But when COVID-19 impacted her business plans, she found herself back in familiar territory—home, with her family, and thinking about what might come next.

 She Returns! This Time in Leadership

When Kelly returned to Amity Health, it wasn’t as a Dietitian but in an admin support role—bringing her full circle to where she began in 2007. But, as always, she found herself naturally drawn back into healthcare. She moved into a Care Coordination role for the Integrated Chronic Disease Care (ICDC) team, and before long, was also back practicing as a Dietitian in Esperance.

Her role kept evolving, and soon she was leading the Dietitian and Diabetes Education team. From there, she stepped into a leadership role supporting the Community Allied Health Services team, shifting her focus from working directly with clients to supporting our allied health team at Amity Health. 

“It’s funny looking back—I started in admin, went into clinical work, left, came back, left again, and now I’m leading a team. Life takes unexpected turns, but Amity has always been there for me, just as they continue to be for there for regional communities.”

 Growing Together

Kelly’s story reflects on that fact that life happens, priorities shift, and careers aren’t always linear. There’s room to take a step back, explore new paths, and return in a way that makes sense for you.

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate Kelly and all the incredible women who have shaped Amity Health over the years. We also acknowledge the male colleagues who support, and work alongside us, fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace where everyone can grow and thrive.



Kelly & Uni Colleague at Curtin

Baby shower for baby #1

Balancing parenthood and work

Business owner, author & dirt bike rider!

Clinical Lead Kelly with OT Renae


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