Seeing a Dietitian – What to Expect
Many people who visit a dietitian for the first time, expect to be placed on a diet and told to eat more vegetables. While dietitians do love talking about vegetables, we don’t usually recommend diets!
So what IS involved when you see a dietitian at Amity Health?
Dietitians support you to make healthy changes.
Photo cred: KutcherAV
Firstly, why see a dietitian?
Maintaining a healthy eating pattern can be challenging, even for dietitians! Regardless of your age and health, a dietitian can provide expert nutrition support to help you improve your health and wellbeing.
If you live with a chronic disease (such as diabetes) or have a new diagnosis (such as a food allergy), your GP might suggest seeing a dietitian. To find out how to book an appointment, and to see if you may be eligible for our free chronic disease care program, please click here.
What happens in an appointment?
It’s not just about what you eat. At your first appointment, your dietitian may ask questions not only about your eating habits but also your food preferences, your current and past health, your lifestyle and your own health goals.
We will then suggest some areas where change could improve your health, and support you to make this change.
We might work with you to:
create a personalised eating plan
help you learn to read food labels
provide you with healthy recipes and,
answer your questions
We understand that what works for one person might be different to what works for another, so our support will always be personalised. We may also recommend booking another appointment if you may benefit from ongoing support from a dietitian.
Will I receive a diet plan?
Our goal is to support you to manage your own health through making sustainable changes. This is why dietitians don’t set out to put people on a “diet”. Instead, we will work with you to create an eating plan that suits your lifestyle, food preferences and individual health needs, and that will help you be the healthiest version of yourself!
If you’d like more information, please feel free to contact us.
At Amity Health, we have a team of allied health professionals who are dedicated to ensuring your health and wellbeing are are cared for.
Guest Author: Sophie Royce (Dietitian)